New Language Added to UniversalDoctor Mobile App – Now with 13 Languages


It’s not hard to understand why the new language in our app has been in such high demand. This new language is spoken natively in one of the most popular tourist destinations in both summer and winter seasons. This country is known for its breathtaking landscapes, ancient history, delicious food, plenty of great wine and romance at every turn. Haven’t guessed it yet?

 …. We’re talking about ITALY !

We’re excited to announce that we have added ITALIAN to our UniversalDoctor Speaker mobile application. Watch our video below to see how you can use UniversalDoctor Speaker to help you when you travel.

Now with 13 languages, bring our app wherever you travel and we can help you communicate with a doctor in over 120 countries around the world. Never worry about having a data connection as all the content in UniversalDoctor Speaker is 100% offline. Our app comes with over 6,000 phrases with audios by native speakers to translate your medical visits. Just choose your language from the Patient menu and the  language of the Doctor from the 13 languages available, and you’re all set. Use the search function to find the phrase you need immediately, or use our organized system of translations designed to facilitate the translation of your medical visit. Explain your symptoms accurately and with ease, and understand your diagnosis and treatment in your own language. You can also use the app to translate your medical conditions, allergies and prescriptions. All our translations and audios are made by native speakers, while the phrases themselves have been reviewed by medical professionals.

So go explore the ancient streets of Rome, or the vineyards of Florence and the romantic canals of Venice… and know that you have a handy medical translator right on your phone – ready to make communication easier when you need it most!

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Italy Travel Guides

If you’re looking for some travel guides to plan a great trip to Italy, have a look at the following links for great tips and suggestions from our favorite travel writers.


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